Our LiveStream team is looking to add another operator to help cover our regular Sunday LiveStream of 10 AM Mass and occasional special events that come up throughout the year.
You will receive training on operating the camera and streaming software to bring Mass to people online who are unable to attend any given Sunday due to illness, travel, or being homebound.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity, contact Jim Ambrose via email at [email protected]
Since his passing right after the Spaghetti Dinner, the parish has been contemplating a fitting Memorial in remembrance of Bob. We believe we may have come close to something Bob would approve and hope that you will also. We are preparing an area immediately to the right of the entrance to the Parish Center for a statue of St Joseph the Worker. As many of you know Bob was "The Worker"...and the Builder...and the Fixer....of many things at the church and school. Please click on the title for more information about the Memorial and how you can assist.