Registration is open to all children from the
following parishes:
Assumption BVM, Sacred Heart, St. Patrick,
St. Gabriel and St. Rocco Parishes
We are offering both boys and girls teams:
JV (Grades 5 and 6), Varsity (Grades 7 and 8) &
High School (Grades 9-12)
Click on the title for more information
There will be a meeting on
Monday, October 14th at 7:00 pm
in the lower level of Assumption
BVM Church. Come and join us to
hear about all the fall activities
that are offered. We are always
looking to welcome new
members. For information about
membership, please contact
Ginny Bryson at 610-322-6366.
Our LiveStream team is looking to add another operator to help cover our regular Sunday LiveStream of 10 AM Mass and occasional special events that come up throughout the year.
You will receive training on operating the camera and streaming software to bring Mass to people online who are unable to attend any given Sunday due to illness, travel, or being homebound.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity, contact Jim Ambrose via email at
To schedule your appointment, visit and enter sponsor code:
assumptionbvm or call 800-733-2767. For information,
Every week beginning on September 15th at the 10 am Mass
Bring your child to the Chapel prior to
the start of Mass.
This is an opportunity for young children, ages 4 to 7, who have not yet made the Sacrament of Holy Communion, to listen to, discuss, and understand the Mass Readings on an age-appropriate level, so that they too may Know Jesus, Love Jesus, and Serve Jesus. Click the title for more information
The ABVM School Technology Department is
looking for the items below. If you are
interested in donating items, please drop them
off in the School's front foyer vestibule at a time
that is convenient for you.
Typewriter Rotary Phone Keyboards
We are very pleased to welcome Nancy Burke as our new Director of Religious Education.
Nancy has come highly recommended and is an active member of St. Gabriel of the
Sorrowful Mother Parish, in Avondale. She is looking forward to assisting our parish
children and families in growing and enriching their Catholic faith. Let us welcome Nancy
and support her as she begins her new position on August 12th.
Even though we are still in the dog days of summer, plans are in full force for the Annual Oktoberfest sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary and The Knights of Columbus. We will soon have more information and contact information.
Anyone who feels called to serve the sick and
homebound, please see Father Scott Brockson
to consider serving as an Extraordinary Minister
of Holy Communion
18 week Game
Football Mania begins Thursday, September
5th. Send your score card stubs and money to the
ABVM Parish Office (300 State Road, West Grove, PA
19390) or drop in the collection basket. Tickets: $25.
Additional score cards can be picked up in the Church
vestibule. Make checks payable to Assumption BVM
Church. Winners will be notified by mail or you can
view the winning sweepstakes game card numbers at Return your ticket stub/
payment by August 26th.