The season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, which falls this year on February 17. This year we will have to do things a little differently due to the need to observe the recommended precautions against the spread of the coronavirus. Following the guidance of the Vatican’s Congregation for Worship, the formula for the imposition of ashes – “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return” – will only be said once by the celebrant, rather than being said to each individual. The ashes will not be pasted on the forehead but rather sprinkled on the top of the head, which is the normal practice in most countries anyway. This method conforms more closely to the biblical sign and avoids the necessity of touching the recipient. If you choose to receive ashes, present yourself to the minister by slightly bowing forward (especially if you are tall!). The ministers will all wear a mask since they will be closer than they would be for giving Communion. In this liturgical act, the mask does not serve as a countersign to communion, as it does in the giving and receiving of the Holy Eucharist, since the reception of ashes symbolizes penance rather than communion with God and one another.