Registration Form What is BLAZE?
● 20 interactive lessons to lead girls closer to Christ.
● Each week a lie about identity, beauty and worth is
replaced with the truth found in scripture.
● Girls receive a take-away gift each week to reinforce
what is true, all connected to scripture.
Please sign up early so we can assure your daughter’s place in
the premier offering of Blaze. Please contact me directly if you
have any questions.
Tina Sgroi
[email protected]/(610) 350-7529
BLAZE Ministry Objectives
● To teach the girls that they are unconditionally loved by their heavenly Father.
● To explain the Gospel message of salvation in a way middle school girls understand.
● To teach the girls how to differentiate between truth
and lies.
● To teach the girls to base their worth on being children
of God.
● To teach the girls how to pray in their own words.
● To teach the girls how to use the Bible as a tool for
spiritual growth.
● That the material learned in BLAZE and relationships
fostered provide an alternative to the unhealthy way
our culture encourages teens to cope with challenges
of their stage of life.