There was a noticeable absence of the volunteers that we have been accustomed to along with a decline in customers. There was at least one other major event in the area that most likely drew many of our perspective customers. We appreciate the support from some in our parish and others from our surrounding communities. The faithful volunteers did a terrific job preparing the dinner, serving in the dining room & take-out and clean up. I know that with the amount of time, talent and treasure that has been so forthcoming from our parishioners, this dinner will be going on long after many of us are no longer here. I would like to have a follow-up meeting to discuss the dinner while it is still fresh in our minds next Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. Please contact me if you can make it at [email protected] or call 610-869-4100. Mark your calendar for next year’s dinner, April 26, 2020 and our kickoff meeting for Monday, January 13, 2020!!!! Take care, John J Brennan Finance Council