During Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLoW), which is approximately 25-30 minutes, the volunteer teachers lead the children through opening prayers, the Scripture Readings, and questions that are simplified, while the children come to Know Jesus, Love Jesus, and Serve Jesus. The format follows the Order of the Mass as closely as possible with the purpose of both teaching and preparing children to enjoy and fully participate in Mass as they grow with us and prepare for the Holy Sacraments. This ministry is recommended for children who are in PreK to 3rd grade, but who are at least 4 years-old.
We are always welcoming new volunteers to this beloved ministry. Volunteers must have their SAFE environment clearances. If you are interested in being part of this ministry as a Leader or Assistant or have questions about time commitment and obtaining clearances, please contact Lisa Goldstein at [email protected] or call the parish office for more details.