I am writing because of an important challenge we are facing. As you might have guessed, the absence of public Masses has resulted in a serious decline of revenue for our parish, which depends on the Sunday collection. About 34% of parishioners make their church donation in the same way as they pay their bills, by electronic gifting. Donations received this way have not declined. But 66% of Assumption BVM’s Sunday offertory comes from the passing of the basket in church. Without this we are finding ourselves in a difficult financial situation since our expenses remain essentially the same as before the crisis.
Please help us as you are able. Those who donate by check or cash may find it easier to give electronically at this time through Faith Direct. This can easily be done by texting 610-810-5080 from your smart phone or clicking on to this link:
https://membership.faithdirect.net/PA832. Another option is to mail your contribution, as some of you are already doing. In addition, I have placed an offertory box at the back of the church in which you may drop your offering when making a visit. During this crisis the church is open on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Our parishioners are generous and cheerful givers. Thank you for your support. Please know that I continue to offer Mass for you and your loved ones, praying especially for the sick and those who have lost their jobs or businesses due to the general shut down. I look forward to being with you again. May you have a healthy and blessed Holy Week and a joyful Easter!