Father Murphy blessed our newly installed Batik Banners at the 10 AM Mass on
September 7. Thanks to a generous donation in memory of Betty Shannon, we commissioned artist Linda Halpin from Boscobel, WI to create two beautiful banners for our Parish Life Center. The first is installed in the stairwell to the Parish Life Center. This banner has a Cross with a circle of lilies around it, symbol of the Assumption. The second, stating our Parish Mission: To know Jesus, to Love Jesus, to Serve Jesus, is hung on the wall of the Parish Office.
More than 200 parishioners joined in celebrating the event, and the beginning of a new year of Christian Formation for our children and adults, at the Coffee & Donut social after Mass.
If you have not seen the Banners make a trip to the Parish Life Center the next time you come to visit the Church or attend Mass.