Pictured below are John and Donna Kurtz and a few of their children whom they have adopted or fostered or simply brought into their home and their ever growing family (more than 25 over the years.)
On January 31, as they journeyed towards central Pennsylvania, John driving a large van with 9 of the family and Donna following in a minivan with a few others, a SUV crossed the median at high speed and hit the larger van h ead on.
The carnage was massive but no one was killed. John walked away with a broken rib and sprained back. The 9 children are still in the hospital, helicoptered to multiple hospitals in the area. As an example of the injuries, Maggie (red shirt) has a perforated colon; Masha (blue shirt) has a broken back; Joe (black shirt) has a broken sternum and a broken leg; little Nick had less serious injuries. Donna and the other children in the second van were uninjured but bear the pain of witnessing the entire accident.
One of the other children sustained a broken back also. Others have broken limbs, internal injuries and concussions.
We commend them to your prayers. As they cope the power of their faith will be evidenced. Since the moment of impact they have not wondered why God allows such things to happen but they are in awe of God's gifts of grace and the strength and the wisdom to cope and recover from this adversity in life.
If you would like to know more about this remarkable and inspiring family, please go to
sjhouse.org. And please keep them in your prayers as they face additional surgeries this coming week and the long recovery ahead of them.
All proceeds from our Bingo go to the benefit of St. Joseph House, a [501(c)3] charity.
$6 Dinner at 6:00 PM
Includes chicken and sausage scaloppini with pasta, salad, desserts and refreshments.
Bingo at 6:30 PM
10 Regular Games Winner receives $30
2 Special Games Winner receives $75
Last Special Game Winner receives 70%