The Parish Finance Council is currently examining four problem areas which need serious attention:
Concrete in front of the Church and the Stairway leading to the Lower Parking Lot: The concrete walkways, curbs, and staircases are deteriorating providing tripping and/or slipping hazards. Approx. Cost $50,000.
Immediate need to repair steps to Lower Parking Lot -to be complete in August, 2014.
Cost $8,350.
Side Entryway doors: Wind-driven rain leaks through vertical and horizontal seals, drips into the lower level, and is beginning to discolor the ceiling tiles in the newly renovated office area.
Cost $1,200.
Leaks in the Main Sanctuary Roof: A persistent problem in several areas. Temporary fixes have not been successful. Major repairs needed to correct problem. First Step: Window Caulking
Cost $4440.
Upper and Lower Parking Lots: Cracks, potholes, and settled spots make driving rough and somewhat difficult. Approx. Cost $15,800.
These projects are typically paid from the normal Operating Income provided for by the Weekly Offertory Collections. In order to meet these costs, it is estimated that a 10% increase in the Weekly Sunday Offertory Collections will be required. In addition to the increase, we are pursuing a line by line analysis to reduce budgeted costs by 6%.
Therefore, it is important that your contributions to the Weekly Offertory Collections continue now and, especially, throughout the summer months. This might be a good time to switch to Electronic Funds Transfer. This process will insure you making your regular contributions as well as insure continuity of income to the Parish through the ordinarily sparse summer weekends.