6th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Saturday, December 11th After the Celebration of 4:30 PM Mass Enjoy refreshments, Christmas carols and a special visit from Santa Claus
11:00 am - 4:00 pm Assumption BVM Church (Lower Level) 300 State Road, West Grove, PA 19390 Visit www.redcrossblood.org and locate sponsor code assumptionbvm to schedule an appointment. You can also download the Red Cross Blood Donor App on the App Store, Google Play or text BLOODAPP to 90999. You may also call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule.
Join us for some holiday cheer! Enjoy great food, delicious desserts and wonderful entertainment as we celebrate the birth of our Lord at Christmas! Please sign up in the Church vestibule. For information, call Jim Haley at 610-255-5366. Tickets are available at the door. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary $8 free will donation is appreciated