Our pastor is under Covit-19 quarantine until Sunday, December 3 and will not be able to hear confessions on Saturday. We have not been able to find a replacement. However, there are other local options for confession on Saturday. Please click on the title for more information about alternate Confession locations.
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word team invites you to bring your children to a special Christmas event centered on learning about the Birth of Jesus. Register by Sunday November 26. Please click on the title for more information
Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 1:00 pm. $10 free will donation is appreciated Join us for some holiday cheer! Enjoy great food, delicious desserts, exciting door prizes and wonderful entertainment as we celebrate the birth of our Lord at Christmas! Please sign up in the Church narthex. For questions, please call Kris Kelleher at 484-356-3353. Tickets are available at the door. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary.
Please join us for a beautiful way to bring in the Season of Christmas. Please click on the title for more information and how to support this program.
Please join us during our Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament on December 6, 7 &8. More details are attached, please click the title for more information..
Due to the Forty Hours Solemnity, the Knights will have our December Bingo on Thursday, November 30. Please click on the title for all the information.